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I was given the assignment to shoot 1 photo every hour that I was awake for 48 hours. When I first read the assignment I was excited and I even wanted to challenge myself to do it for 96 hours, in the end I only did it for 72 hours. I chose to start the project on Friday April 3, 2015 and I went until Sunday, April 12, 2015, night.

While shooting this project sometimes I found it difficult to find something to photograph, many times I took a photo of the room I was in from many angles. I also found this project to be a lot of fun because of the challenge of pulling my camera out in the middle of class and finding one image to sum up that whole hour.

During this project I learned some self-control in that I couldn’t take more than one picture in the hour. I also learned how hard it is to keep an hourly schedule. I often was late with shooting my photos so my whole schedule would then be shifted. My thoughts now are that I want to carry my camera around with me much more often.

9 thoughts on “72 Hours of Shooting

  1. I don’t know, for having such a limited amount of possible subjects and only getting one shot at each photo, I thought you killed it! Your photos came out great and even though it was difficult. You actually made this assignment look easier then it was haha. Great work, I especially like all the food shots!


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